Monday 29 October 2012

Kite Project: Brief & Outline of the project

Kite project

Project description

This project re-addresses the potential of sculptures set in the night sky.Inspired by traditional ancient Chinese kite making which evolved due to readily available materials like silk and bamboo to the many other cultures that used kite flying for celebrations, communication, human flight, science and military
applications. This project asks you to address kite designing and building as artists; exploiting kite making properties to create an engaging visual spectacle which will take place at night.

"During this project I will address the potential and idea's behind creating a sculpture to be set and explored in the night sky. this project if initially inspired by traditional kite making. kites can be flown for multiple reasons and during this project I will explore reasons for the creation of certain kites"

Things to consider:
  • Will my kite be inspired by existing kite cultures/sub-cultures or are will th einspiration for my kite be drawn from other sources? 
  • How will the kite appear in the night sky? 
  • Will my kite glow, flash nonstop or will it require a particular trigger to react? 
  • Is it reflective of other surrounding light or does it fade into the darkness? 
  • Does it transform,create an optical illusion or does it self destruct? Is it predatory or is it destined to fail? 
  • Is it part of a group of other kites or does it copy-cat the other kites? 
  • What existing kite design is appropriate for for my idea developement?
  • Will My kite require speed,high altitude flying, maneuverability, to be able to pull heavy loads?
  • What materials will I use? 

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